Current Bitcoin Price

Friday, November 25, 2022

So CZ basically got owned and has now become a living meme for trying to manipulate the market.

For those unfamiliar, CZ (will admit like 90% of you I can't say his real name right) is the leader of the largest crypto exchange and pretty much an indirect reason why the market has tumbled further. He sped up the process of outing Sam and helped collapse FTX which we all know the rest...

With his newfound ego boost he tried going on a further rampage and tried getting some smoke with Coinbase and he basically cowered and backed down very quickly because he knew his claims were speculation at best and complete bs at worst.

Turns out it was BS. Coinbase has pretty much revealed they may as well rename themselves BTC incorporated as they absolutely dwarf Binance in Btc reserves. Moral of the story, there are lots of people trying to create FUD and looking to further shake out retailers. CZ is now a living meme and for all the wrong reasons, his peepee was made to look very small when Coinbase whipped it out.

Submitted November 24, 2022 at 11:03PM by Socialinfluencing

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