Current Bitcoin Price

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Brother took out a 120,000 loan to buy cryptocurrency with no other savings or property or anything. Asked me to not tell our parents but I’m genuinely concerned. Do I just leave it? How risky is this?

My brother recently seemed a bit off so I pressured him into telling me what was wrong. He lives at home still and is in his late 20’s. He has a decent job but I have no idea how he managed to borrow so much money. He told me he put 120,000 into cryptocurrency and the market is now crashing so needs to wait for it to level out. I tried to explain that this means he needs to make that money back and then more to see a profit but he believes he will be a millionaire in the end from this but I really am just unsure. He has a mild form of autism and I just don’t know how it would it got this far.

What steps can I take to help him?

Edit: I have been reading through the comments (thanks everyone) and I’m going to just focus on figuring out how he got the money and then organising how we can best pay it off. I am not going to push him to take anything out of crypto yet as I don’t know what is left of it. Will let my parents know just incase he has borrowed from them. Thanks for letting me know about the emotional aspect of this as well because I may have been too harsh when we last spoke about it and I will try to be more gentle from now on.

Submitted November 08, 2022 at 10:21PM by bbybunnydoll

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