Current Bitcoin Price

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Why is the overwhelming crypto sentiment on Reddit so negative outside of crypto subs? Do you think it’s an accurate representation of sentiment in the general population?

Visit any thread about crypto outside of crypto specific subs and its unbelievably negative. Everyone has essentially written it off as something between gambling and a scam, with phrases like “greater fools” echoing from thread to thread. There isn’t even a hint of rhetoric resembling open discourse about the crypto space in the comments.

I’m wondering how we arrived at such a divisive place, if we should be worried that the rhetoric is becoming overwhelmingly negative and polarized, and if Reddit is analogous main stream sentiment.

Part of what gives anything value is the belief that it has value. As amazing as the theory and tech side of crypto is, with its potential to revolutionize and disrupt archaic systems, if people simply emotionally decide it’s worthless, then it could become a self fulfilling prophecy of sorts.

Curious what this community thinks about this.

Submitted June 18, 2022 at 09:26PM by Myomyw

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