Current Bitcoin Price

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Can we do something about these annoying "sToP pRoMoTing cRyPto In tImEs oF sTrife" posts?

As a long time lurker of this subreddit, I've seen some very counter-intuitive posts and comments from people that say that we shouldn't promote the use of cryptocurrencies in times of strife. As if they couldn't be used for anything but pump and dumps.

Have these people forgotten the whole "financial freedom" ideology concerning why Bitcoin was created? Do they know that Shiba Inu or Floki or whatever other shitcoin they have in their wallet does not comprise the entirety of the space? It's stuff like this that makes me think that these people are intentionally spreading FUD. Whether it's to help themselves make a profit, or because they don't know much about crypto, it's clear that these people see no practical use for it, and would much rather stop others from reaching out and helping people take control of their money.

Nonetheless, we should be actively encouraging people to learn about Crypto. We're in a cryptocurrency subreddit for Christ's sake. We need more devs that can help us become even more decentralized. We've got Bisq (a true DEX, main currency is Bitcoin), we're getting Haveno (Like bisq, but main currency will be Monero), we have a satellite up and LoRa meshnets are promising.

Submitted February 25, 2022 at 06:56PM by __deltastream

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