Current Bitcoin Price

Friday, August 27, 2021

Stop worrying about other people, worry about yourself

You can buy bitcoin, you can short it, you can do whatever. Here's what I've learned at 38:

Time if flying much faster than you think. Think back 10 years. Remember where you were? I do, I was going through a really shitty breakup and hating my life. I was making decent money. My roommate was falling asleep with cigarettes on the couch.

Think back 20 years. What were you doing? I was just graduating high school.

Now, think 10 years forward. I will possibly....well, that's for me to know.

20 years-I should be playing the role of mentor, and I hopefully have my own business by then. I should be married as well.

I say this to help give the perspective of time. Do you check the price chart 5x a day? No biggie--lots of people do. They also do that when they trade stocks. I encourage you to zoom out and to not fall in love with bitcoin, but to see what role it will play in your life.

I've made my choice. I can't work forever at what I do, so I moved home, reduced expenses, and dca. I either become rich at 40 or rich at 55 (if I live till then).

Time will fly. I remember 5 years ago my friend trying to tell me about crypto and I didn't listen. The world has not melted down...just some got rich.

Submitted August 26, 2021 at 09:23PM by throwaway29801A

from #Bitcoinmovement - The hub of Bitcoin and Crypto media

from #Bitcoinmovement - The hub of Bitcoin and Crypto media

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