Current Bitcoin Price

Friday, July 30, 2021

Bitcoin Energy FUD is the most rediculous counterargument when you consider the global entertainment industry literally wastes energy for fun!

Bitcoin has always had one of the most profound and libertarian objectives in history. The noncommercial, open and decentralised financial liberation of a global network of individual human beings.

The cryptosphere and it's industry generally share this same noble ideology.

There is a definitive point, objective and use case for crypto and therefore a clear justification for its energy usage.

Yet at every turn these days mainstream media and governments seem to take every opportunity to FUD Bitcoin and Crypto over energy.

But wait a fucking second....

If we're going to start questioning and pointing fingers at the carbon footprints of industry..

Apart of self gratification... what the fuck is the point of the adult entertainment industry? Think how much coal is burned to produce that money shot!.... and for what.. to help someone beat one out.

The Gambling Industry? Think of all those website, machines, lotteries, sports and even entire cities like Vegas and how much needless/ pointless energy they sap from the grid every year... and for what?!?

It continues....

The gaming industry, the sport industry, the movie industry, the fashion industry, the music industry, the art industry, the TV and Broadcasting Industry, the advertising industry... the list goes on and fucking on.

Crypto was never about recreational fun and entertainment.. it has always had a serious objective other than for our own personal entertainment and gratification.

So if eco warriors are going to ignorantly start pointing their green fingers at Bitcoin and crypto.. then they need to realise that when you point a finger.. three fingers tend to actually be pointing right back at you!

The blatent hippocracy of mainstream medias Energy fud is abhorrently rediculous and it's definitely time they stopped throwing stones in their glasshouses.

Submitted July 29, 2021 at 08:27PM by jam-hay

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