Current Bitcoin Price

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

First hardware wallet

Guys I'm so excited and happy. I dont have anyone I can share this news with except you guys. No one I know understands crypto or knows what it is. Someone asked me if its like "poker" because they always see me looking at the prices, and asked about it.

Ive bought my first hardware wallet. Been watching the prices and when I saw a sale (on the official site) I bought it, and it came today. Wouldn't have known half of the things I do now, if it wasn't for you guys, so thank you.

I feel like an official crypto dude... cryptonian? Crypto buyer? Hodler? Who cares im that. Yay me

Submitted December 01, 2020 at 04:25PM by nuggetofayard

from #Bitcoinmovement - The hub of Bitcoin and Crypto media

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