Current Bitcoin Price

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Bitcoin crisis continues with another huge price drop

Heavy investors of Bitcoin must be sweating at the moment, especially if they got on the cryptocurrency bandwagon before September 2017 and have stayed on it. The incredible elation that must have been felt as the virtual currency (VC) enjoyed a meteoric rise from around US$3300 in mid-September ...

from Google Alert - Bitcoin

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BITCOIN (BTC) blockch✂️ain FORKS

🚧🛑🚧🛑🚧🛑🚧🛑🚧🛑🚧🛑🚧🛑🚧 Bitcoin Cash:  Forked at Block 478558, 1 August 2017, For each 1 BTC you get 1 BCH Bytether:  Cross for...