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Thursday, December 8, 2016

Markets Today: Steemit Dislogdes NEM, ETC Back on Track

The cryptocurrency markets keep growing with several captivating developments worthy of note. With important markets like Russia and Vietnam set to embrace crypto the times are exciting, and the immediate future looks brilliant.

Also read: University Business School ESMT Berlin Now Accepting Bitcoin

Looking at the Top Four

Bitcoin LogoMarket leader Bitcoin keeps soaring irrespective of all the acrimony over scaling as well as over any “slow” transaction experiences. At 18:00 GMT on Wednesday, it was selling at $766.67 with a 0.46% gain. Experts believe the gold restriction in China plus the demonetization in India is influencing the rise. Trace Mayer of Bitcoin Knowledge predicts that it will reach $3000 in 34 months.

Ethereum maintained its 2nd position with an appreciation of 8.23% which was the 2nd best gain for the day to sell at $7.91. Honestly, it is refreshing news for Ethereum since it has been in free fall in recent time losing as much as nearly 20% less than 48 hours ago.

With a 2.59% rise, Ripple was 3rd selling at $0.006651. Some say the Global Settlement Network is poised to reduce cross-border transfers significantly, others disagree.

At number 4 was Litecoin. It clinched 1.44% and was selling at $3.59. Apparently, Litecoin getting on Jaxx has been a prudent move.

New Crypto Darling Monero Lost the Day

moneroThe 5th position was held by Monero even though it lost 1.13% to close at $7.49. It was one of the only two lost for the day on the top 10 of the cryptocurrency markets according to Coinmarketcap.

Ethereum Classic, the fallout of Ethereum’s first ever hard fork had an admirable day. In fact, it was up 6.72% and was exchanged for $0.818507 to place 6th.

Dash followed suit gaining 1.83%. Its market price was $8.70. Some experts have described Dash as the crypto to watch out for. However, in recent times its value has been unstable.

The virtual currency that its founders hope is set to change the face of Social Media, Steem, suffered the biggest fall of the day. The value was at $0.228781 and it lost a whopping 17.24% to be at the 8th position.

At the last but one position, Augur’s exchange rate was $3.12 with a rise of 4.93%

NEM had an exhilarating day with the biggest gain of 9.83%, even at the bottom of the top 10. The exchanges offered it for approx. $0.003433.

In total, the day was an awesome one for the top ten cryptocurrency markets with just two cryptocurrency outfits recording a loss.

Notable Cryptocurrencies of the Day

Where you should have been: KiloCoin came in at number 12 on this fine day with an impressive 207.23% upward adjustment, an exchange rate of $0.005764. And we also saw a 97.29 percentage increment for ION which was sold at $0.115585 placing 74th.

HiCoin placed at number 94 but made a very respectable gain of 69.88% closing at $0.003940. Meanwhile, AEON might also be an interesting crypto to watch out for, was listed on the exchanges at $0.083055 with a 73rd placement.

Disclaimer: The above references an opinion and is for information purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice. Seek a duly licensed professional for investment advice.

Do you hold or trade the cryptocurrencies in this list? Let’s hear about your experiences in the comments below.

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