from #Bitcoinmovement
from #Bitcoinmovement - The hub of Bitcoin and Crypto media
There are so many benefits to using a cryptocurrency, that it would seem foolish to neglect such an invention. For example, it allows you to send money anywhere in the world in an instant, with basically no fees involved. Everyone can be included in the financial system, it will change the way we interact with money, it can prevent fraud, and much more.
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What’s the point of hedging against monetary collapse if your end game is to sell back into the currency (USD) that is collapsing??
🚧🛑🚧🛑🚧🛑🚧🛑🚧🛑🚧🛑🚧🛑🚧 Bitcoin Cash: Forked at Block 478558, 1 August 2017, For each 1 BTC you get 1 BCH Bytether: Cross for...